Nutritionist | Zeljka Wedral
Nutritionist For Children
It may be difficult to know exactly what you should and shouldn't be feeding your children with a lot of conflicting news on a daily basis.
However, helping children to eat healthily from a young age no only ensures that they feel their best as youngsters, it gives them the best start in life that will benefit them for decades to come. As a result, it's never too early to seek nutritional advice for your children.
Children that eat a poor diet from a young age are more likely to experience long term health problems & complications such as osteoporosis, increased chance of cardiovascular issues & more
Children that are experiencing under-nutrition are more likely to have less energy, perform worse at school & experience further problems as they get older
What are the nutrients that every child needs?
Children need a combination of many nutrients to experience the full benefits of a healthy diet. These include but are not limited to:
Protein (found in meat, eggs & nuts)
Carbohydrates (found in bread, potatoes & cereals)
Fats (good fats found in oily fish, dairy products, meat)
Calcium (found in cheese, milk, broccoli)
Iron (found in red meats, whole grains, beans)
Folate (found in lentils, chick peas, asparagus)
Fibre (found in seeds, whole grain cereals, nuts)
Vitamin A (found in carrots, squash & egg yolks)
Vitamin C (found in citrus fruits, melon & cauliflower)
What is the best way for a kid to lose weight?
It's important to set realistic goals first, otherwise it will be very difficult for your child to lose weight effectively if no one knows exactly what they're working towards. Then the focus has to be on eating regularly and healthily, with a combination of the above nutrients in every meal of the day. This should be in silo with regular physical activity & not just sitting in a room playing video games!
How much should my child weigh?
There are many tables on the internet that provide ideal weight ranges for different ages. We would recommend you check out this average height-weight scale & table for some more insights.